The Weird and the Wacky

When the game gets a little confused what shapes and surfaces (textures) items and people should have, you can catch some funny sights:
(Clicking on the small images opens the large version in a new window)

Poor Nicolas, only a letter for company Nicolas got quite a special letter from his father: it walked to him for so long that it has no legs left!

Photographed by: Carg85, 58KB (40mm, F6, 1/250)
Memorial Day in Thronheim For Memorial day, the Thronheim innkeeper decorated his table with quite special ghost-soldier plates.

Photographed by: Sean Larson, 67KB (without Flash)
Halloween in Drangheim As I was strolling through Drangheim one evening, I came across Fisk Goldenhand and Sigfried Rockpicker - dressed in drag and dancing!

Photographed by: Queen Eriu, 93KB (Nokan camera, Kaduk paper)

Un- and Intended noticableness

A number of these are pilfered from posts at Telp's Tavern, by Lord of Light.
There are spoilers below: read at your own risk.

Some Swedish

These translations were given by Dr Katla at Telp's Tavern: