BiB - Ariel in Chastity Belt, White Overalls and Handcuffs
These white overalls are made by Buffalo, and I got them from eBay. The tags were still attached, and one of them said Stretch, but luckily they aren't. They are from a sturdy cotton and when buttoning the high sides and pulling the straps over your shoulders, there is no mistaking you're wrapped up well. With the high back there is no chance of slipping the straps off your shoulders.
But before I let Ariel wear it, I took the precaution of putting her in a clear plastic chastity belt. Then I let her gradually dress in them. This time I didn't put locks on the overalls though, because I had a different plan for preventing her from undressing again: with a pair of handcuffs behind her back she had no way of opening the straps, but she could still reach the side buttons. So I swapped the handcuffs for thumbcuffs, and with one arm high and one arm low, those tiny pieces of metal disabled her hands quite well.

Ariel wondered if the chastity belt was visible at all under those close-fitting overalls, so I took a picture of her behind to show her you can see no trace of it. (At some of the pictures of the front you can see some studs though, if you look closely.)