Ovvan's Childhood stories part 3A

Team swap

In the same year Kerstin and Susanne qualified for the big girl's trophy at the Baltic sea. Both were really looking forward to it. For our little club from the middle of nowhere, it was the first time, I think, that one team qualified for that. I was quite envious. The happening was in the middle of the summer vacation and both trained under Susanne's father's tutelage for what they were worth. Everything had been organized: Susanne's father would drive the both of them up to the coast and also retrieve them afterward. Thursday I helped our father load the boat up on the trailer. Friday they would leave quite early to be there at the start of the race at 2PM. Kerstin was to spend the night at Susanne's and had all her luggage already packed.

Kerstin checked the equipment once more. Then she called "the life vests are still missing" and ran off to the equipment shed to get them out of the locker. In a short while we suddenly heard a crash. Kerstin sat on the lowest step and held her right foot with tears in her eyes. She had slipped and then twisted her ankle. Susanne's father luckily was a doctor so he could immediately examine it. "The ankle is severely sprained" he said after a while and used wet towels to cool the ankle "but I don't think it's broken. Nonetheless you should have some X-rays made." That was the end for the boat race, not only for Kerstin, but also for Susanne. That was the thing with team sports: the team members couldn't be swapped. And even if the ankle wasn't broken, it was in no condition for the race. Both sat down and cried loudly. Kerstin was especially sorry for Susanne, because she had spoiled the special event with her misfortune.

Susanne's and our father were standing there and considered any possible way out. Susanne's father said "Kerstin, couldn't your brother compete for you?" "No, it's a girls only race, and apart from that it's me and Kerstin who are registered." answered Susanne and looked at me. "Well, there are some similarities between the two." That was correct; some old aunts had repeatedly confused us two, even though I was obviously a boy and she a girl. My father said "if he's wearing Kerstin's clothes and some changes with his hair..." Isn't that great! Now my father turns on me! On the other hand, I would love to be part of the boat race.

Susanne's attitude cleared up. Kerstin added that then at least Susanne's weekend wouldn't be spoiled as well. Susanne's father thought out loud that his wife would be able to give a haircut and my longish hair could surely be made into something feminine. My father pressed Kerstin's luggage in my hands "Here is everything you'll need already packed; the rest Susanne will surely be able to provide." What could I do? The lengths one goes to for one's sister. "OK" I answered "then from now on I'm Kerstin." My father carried the real Kerstin back to our car and drove her off to the hospital.

"Kerstin, why don't you help me pack the last things, so that we can go home." Kerstin? What did she mean? Kerstin just rode off. Oh wait, she means me! "Are you asleep? You should get used to your new name, otherwise you'll draw attention."

Back at the house Susanne's mother smiled when she heard about our plan. "OK, let's turn you into a proper young lady. Susanne, please get the hairdresser cape and get 'Kerstin' ready for a haircut." Susanne placed a kitchen chair in the center of the kitchen and sat me down in it. The cape was pink and rubberized, and went all the way to the floor. "You'd better hold still; when my mother can't stand something, it's when someone is fidgeting during the haircut. I have an idea." Soon she came back with several towels. "Let's close your eyes for a moment, and she tied one of them around my eyes. I remarked "how is your mother going to cut my hair that way?" but already got one strap around my chest and one around my stomach, so that I wouldn't fidget. Since my hands were on the sides of my body, they were already restrained with these straps, but that wasn't enough for Susanne. Quickly she also tied my hands to the arm rests, and my ankles to chair's legs. I felt how she hung the cape around me. Then she removed the blindfold again: "Kerstin had already done this to me once. Now I'm doing it back to Kerstin." she whispered in my ear.

At that moment her mother came into the kitchen with a pair of scissors and a comb and told me "You need to sit still; I hate it when someone is moving during the haircut; this way I won't cut wrong." "No sweat, I'm not going to move." Susanne sat down on the kitchen table and had a good time. My hair dropped in bunches. She snipped a little here and there. Suddenly my father appeared in the kitchen and proclaimed that Kerstin's ankle was only sprained and not broken. It had been wrapped up in thick bandages and she shouldn't walk, so she stayed in the car. My father instructed me that if I joined as Kerstin, I should go all out and in no way be caught. He determined with Susanne's parents that Susanne, being the eldest and a real girl, would have to be in charge, and that I should do everything she said. After giving an oath to that effect, I asked to pass a greeting and get well message on to Kerstin. Susanne got up and wanted to say goodbye to Kerstin in the flesh. I of course couldn't get up. Luckily no one expected me to.

Half an hour later I had a brand new short girl's haircut with a fancy parting. A little bit of hair spray and a pink hair clip with glitter completed my look. Susanne's mother was just about to take the hairdresser cape away when Susanne burst into the kitchen and said that she still wanted to apply make-up. Just as well, otherwise her mother would have seen the restraints. I wanted a mirror to see myself, but Susanne asked me to be patient. She applied make-up on eyes, mouth and cheeks. Then she held a mirror up to me and I saw Kerstin. I had never realized we were that alike. Susanne freed me from the straps, then it was time for dinner and bed. I got a pink night gown from Susanne and slept in the guest room.

The next morning I was woken at 5AM. When I came out of the bathroom, Susanne's mother was in my room and put down new clothes, taking away my old things. These you won't need anymore until Monday. I looked at what she had supplied: pink girl's underwear, white socks and red lack sandals, a summer dress with little flowers, and a white cardigan. I was supposed to wear that? Susanne started urging me on "we are already late, let me help you." She applied make-up and did my hair like yesterday evening. Then I put on the pink underwear. It fit reasonably. The dress gave me more trouble. I wanted to put it on over my head, but didn't get far. Susanne laughed "this dress has panties attached". I looked more closely and indeed there was underwear incorporated in the dress. So in effect it was a jumpsuit with attached skirt. Susanne opened the back zipper and let me step in. The she zipped me up and I was in it. At first it was strange to feel a skirt on my legs, but I quickly got used to it. Then followed necklace with large plastic pearls and sunglasses. During breakfast Susanne and her parents addressed me with 'Kerstin'. Gradually I reacted quicker to that.

During the trip we took a short break at a village pub and drank coffee. I needed to go to the bathroom and Susanne came along to help me with the dress. She also steered me to the ladies; otherwise I would have entered the men's room without a thought. In the ladies restroom there was but a single stall; I went first and Susanne instructed me to sit and not stand, opened the dress and closed it afterward. She urged me to go back on my own already. Not a problem, or so I thought. The guest room had filled up in the mean time. Perhaps a coach or something. I got a hold of myself and strutted to where Susanne's father was waiting. A few of the young men checked me out. I sensed clearly how their eyes were following me, and turned red. I was happy to be back at our table. Susanne was way cooler and didn't pay the least attention to the blokes.

Arriving at the Baltic sea the boat was made ready and the tent set up. Of course a dress wasn't suitable for that, so Susanne gave me a pink t-shirt and yellow overalls. Actually the overalls were almost like a jumpsuit. The bib in front went high up the chest and at the back it was just as high. The wide straps were of the same material. The suit was closed at the sides, with only a zipper at the back. Susanne's father remarked "Doesn't that look nice on you. Susanne never liked it very much, she says it reminds her too much of a child's playsuit." He inquired once more "will the one tent suffice?" it was clear he would have preferred separate tents for us. Susanne just replied "Yes, it's fine. I have my methods." Then her father drove off and would be back at Sunday evening.

Susanne wanted to do me a favor. She allowed me to use her drysuit for the race today. And under her dry suit the safety vest and the sailing harness my non-existing breasts were nicely hidden. But that wouldn't have been a problem anyhow; I was just somewhat slow in my development.

The dry suit was great. The wind was strong and I hit a wave a few times. Normally I would have been soaked, but this way I stayed dry. Not that would have been a big problem with this beautiful weather. In the race we didn't have a chance. All the big clubs were there, with equipment we could only dream about, like dedicated sails for different winds. Our sail was already 5 years old, and our mast twice as thick as their aluminum ones. But it didn't matter; we were here and had our fun.

In the evening, when it got time to go to bed, Susanne explained that she'd like to ready me for the night the same way as that time she was persuaded to sleep in my tent. She held a leotard up for me "this one I brought especially for you." I pushed two towels down the leotard again, simulating a diaper, and wrestled into the dry suit. My arms not in its arms but tight along my sides. Then my head in and after Susanne closed the zipper at the back, I noticed the difference with last time. Without the track suit and the overalls, the leotard and my legs were directly in contact with the rubber of the dry suit. Susanne considered it too late to change that, though, and apart from that it was too warm for that, anyhow. I turned on my back and crossed my arms. Susanne buckled the kidney belt around my waist again and I was trapped. Then she gave me a good night kiss and turned over. I wondered what the next day would bring and fell asleep.

The next morning Susanne woke me with a kiss on the mouth "Wake up, sweet one." I awoke slowly "why do you only do that when I'm restrained?" "Perhaps because you're especially adorable that way?!" Susanne wanted to go refresh herself and offered me the choice to come along or lay there for a while longer. I replied "if you'll wake me once more like that, I'll consider it." On that Susanne gave me another kiss and freed me "I'd rather you'd come along, you on your own with so many girls in the wash room. Who knows what might happen?" I conceded. After taking off the dry suit, I had the opportunity to inspect the leotard that Susanne had given me yesterday evening, when it was already close to dark. It was bright red and had short arms and legs and a round neckline. The neck opening wasn't very wide, and there was a short zipper in the back that Susanne opened for me. I pulled the leotard far enough down to remove the towels functioning as diapers. "What am I wearing today?" Susanne laid out a fresh pair of nickers and socks, and the same red t-shirt and yellow overalls as the day before. I dressed quickly and we were off to the showers. I took the furthest one and Susanne was on the lookout. No one noticed anything. On the way back we passed the other showers, and I strained not to ogle too much. Susanne noticed and whispered "hold strong", she didn't know how right she was.

Since it was a very warm day, I left the dry suit behind in the tent and just wore my yellow playsuit. It didn't do anything for our performance in the races though; every time we finished in the bottom third. Back on dry land a girl started talking to us: "Hello, I'm Jana from the local club here. I saw you yesterday with a splendid dry suit. Does it really keep you dry? Can we see it for a while? We'll show you our boats as well." That sparked our interest. Quickly we went over to our tent. Like yesterday I pulled the dry suit on over the life vest. Jana took us over to the storage tent, where several of her friends from the club waited. I was surrounded and felt all over. "What is this here?" asked one girl and pointed to connection valves at the front next to the shoulders. The valves were covered with screw caps. I didn't know and Susanne wasn't around anymore. She was probably already looking at the boats or the sails. Jana speculated "When you defaecate, you can let it out." All laughed. Later I learned that you could screw a position lamp on to where the cap was. The battery stayed dry inside the suit. "How watertight is this suit really?" asked one of the girls. Jana retrieved a water hose and started spraying me. While she was spraying at chest level, where the life vest was, it was no problem. Jana narrowed the beam. But then she went lower and briefly hit the area between my legs. I winced. Quickly her friends grabbed my arms and held me tight. Two on each arm. "That seems to be enjoyable to her; do continue." Jana moved the beam around the sensitive area. At first it was unpleasant, but then quite the opposite. I wrestled for a bit and then began to groan. Jana continued, to and fro. I slowly sank to the floor and wanted to turn around. But quickly they also grabbed my legs. I lay there like an X and groaned louder. "This is wild; she's close to coming!" I heard and with a loud cry the inside of the dry suit became wet anyway. The girls twittered "I'd like a suit like that" I heard. They helped me up. Now I was quite hot. I literally glowed. Jana said "I'd like to try out something; hold still." I tried to resist but was immediately held still again. Jana unscrewed the cap off one valve and the the nozzle from the hose. "He, this fits." she yelled and screwed the hose onto the valve. Damn standardization, I thought. She opened the hose. Fearfully I observed how the hose filled up again with water. Finally I felt the water stream hit my shoulder, run down my body and collect in the legs. Luckily the water wasn't too cold, but more like refreshing. The suit's legs swelled up. Would the rubber sleeves hold? They performed well until now, and only a small trickle escaped; way less than what entered the suit through the valve. The water level rose to my knees and then my thighs. Such an amount of water becomes pretty heavy, and when I couldn't stand any longer I slowly sank to the floor again. When I lay there on my back the water redistributed through the suit from the legs, along the back up to the arms. I tried to lift an arm and felt how the water flowed back into the body of the suit. That made the arm lighter, but not enough, and weakly I dropped the arm again. That caused a wave in the water that flowed to my legs and back again. The suit expanded further. Jana said that they should let the air escape and opened the other valve. The air escaped with loud hissing. She pressed on my chest until water came out, and then she closed the valve again. Now the water had more room to fill and kept on coming in through the other valve. After a while I noticed that the pressure on my back eased. The life vest: I was floating! I swam in the dry - or make that wet - suit. I tried to turn around, but that was hopeless. Without help I wasn't getting out.

Suddenly Susanne appeared. "What is happening here?" All others twittered and fled from the tent. Susanne started by turning off the water. Then she pushed with her hand on my stomach. The water wobbled around. "Are you swimming in there?" She had realized that the life vest gave me buoyancy and found that funny. "Rather get me out of here!" "Let me see, perhaps I'll let you swim around here for a while longer."

Susanne couldn't help herself. She rocked me around. "This is just like a water bed." "Apart from that you normally lie on and not in it" I replied. Susanne sat down astride on my stomach. "Let me try that for a bit" she said "will you stay this way until tomorrow morning?" Actually it wasn't that bad; I floated around in the suit because of the life vest and could easily stand this for a while. Jana came back into the tent and saw Susanne sitting on me. "Are you OK" she asked, and then to me "you came like a rocket; I wouldn't mind trying that out for myself." Susanne didn't make heads or tails from that, but Jana explained what happened. "Hey, that is actually my suit, so if anything I'm first." But first they needed to get me out of the suit. With combined forces they tried to turn me over to reach the zipper. They only made it halfway though before I sloshed back. After several tries they gave up. "We need to release the water" concluded Jana and unscrewed both valves. Susanne sat down on my stomach again and sang "And now we ride to Texas, hoho." and jumped up and down on my chest. Each time a small fountain of water sprouted from the valves. Jana tried to press the water out from the legs. Finally enough water was out to turn me over. They opened the zipper and peeled the suit off me. I was soaking wet but happy to be out at last. "And who's next?" I asked and hoped to get even with at least one of them. But suddenly neither was in the mood anymore; too bad.

Susanne said: "come along, you need to change clothes, your current ones are sticking to you." She was right: this wasn't cool, since we didn't want anyone to spot our secret. We ran to our tent. Within I took off my clothes and handed the wet clothes to her outside, so that she could hang them to dry. It was a good thing I wore girl's underwear; otherwise it would certainly have drawn attention.

What should I wear now then? In the evening a nice get-together was planned in the clubhouse. Susanne considered and browsed through Kerstin's and her bags. The yellow romper and red t-shirt were wet. Susanne handed me a jeans dress with a v-neck. The rock was knee length, the arms short and it had a zipper down the back. "But you have to wear something underneath." But what? The most suitable color was the red leotard that I wore the night before. I wasn't certain though, for if I would need to go to the bathroom. On my own that would be pretty difficult with both zippers at the back. Susanne realized that the bulge in the front needed hiding anyhow and reached into her luggage. "Pull this on" she said with a straight face and handed me some bulky white thing. "A diaper? How did you get that?" Susanne explained that she had been afraid to go to the outhouse at night several times. Her father finally brought her some diapers from the hospital. She always took a few along to the races, even though she hadn't used one yet. It was enough to know they were there. Susanne turned around and I stepped into the diaper. It was like a pair of training pants, but only larger. Then came rubber pants and the leotard. My hips were wider and fuller now; more feminine, and the bulge had all but disappeared. Susanne promised me nonetheless to help me with the bathroom. I really didn't feel like walking around in wet diapers. I was almost in the jeans dress when Susanne noticed that my cleavage wasn't quite right yet, and remarked "This is no good, I'll need to help your development a bit along." She pulled Kerstin's bra from the bag and pushed two towels in. "Kerstin does it like this too." I had often wondered what looked different on Kerstin when she went out for the night. This explained a lot. The bra pinched and squeezed when Susanne closed the hooks. "If you want to be pretty, you need to suffer a bit." I wasn't sure that I wanted to be pretty, but what could I do? I pulled the leotard up again and Susanne closed the back zipper. Because of the stretchy material everything moved into the correct position and looked more natural. Then the jeans dress and the sandals, and I was ready.

We sat at the same table as Jana and her friends. Jana said that I shouldn't be angry at them anymore for the episode with the dry suit and handed me a glass of wine. I ensured her that I wasn't mad anymore. I had too much fun with it. It turned out to be a jolly evening. We chatted and danced. All were unhappy that there were no boys present, but that is always the case with a girls-only race. I on the other hand was quite content with the situation, since I had no idea how I should behave if a boy made advances. Susanne also helped me with the bathroom, opened and closed the zippers again, and stood watch.

Back at the tent Susanne checked the clothes, but they were still wet. So I couldn't wear the dry suit that night. I got the impression that she wasn't too upset about that. I just needed to get the dress off and leave the leotard and diaper where they were. "and if you need to go, just let it run" she said. Then she wanted to put the pearl necklace on, so that I looked good for the night. I thought she must be either getting bonkers or had drunk too much. But she insisted and I played along. She put it around my neck. "The closure is so small, I can hardly find it. Please lay down on your stomach. She sat astride on my back and fumbled around at my neck. What was she doing with the zipper?" I wondered, and heard a small click. The necklace was secured. "Stay put like that for now, so I can get changed, and no peeping." she said. I obeyed and she changed. Then she said "Hey Kerstin, my sleeping bag seems to be wet. Must have happened when you changed out of your wet clothes." That sounded likely, I had laid on her side. "Can I sleep with you in your sleeping bag? It should be big enough for the both of us." she asked and crept in with me. With joined forces we closed the zipper. There was enough room as long as we stayed closely pressed together. I fondled her back and wondered surprised "What are you wearing then?"

I felt once more down Susanne's back. The fabric was close-fitting and smooth, with no seam. "You are also wearing a leotard" I exclaimed. Susanne explained that she had wanted to do me a favor, because I had been steadfast in my disguise until now. We fondled each other everywhere. For the first time I was confident enough to hold her breasts. Underneath the thin fabric her nipples hardened. She started moaning softly. I caressed more firmly, also between her legs. "Shouldn't we undress?" I asked. "No, only caressing, I don't want to go further, the clothes stay on." She had it easy, not wearing anything but the leotard, while I was hampered by the diaper and the irritating stuffed bra, and hardly felt anything. She became more and more turned on. After a while she said "I will get undressed now. But unluckily that's not possible for you at the moment." I didn't quite understand what she meant, but definitely didn't want to cross the line. The whole time my mind was spinning "if we would do it right now, what could happen? Is she on the pill? Could I get a condom here somewhere? Would someone hear us?" So I answered: "OK, you undress and I'll keep wearing this." She peeled her suit off her shoulders and further down her body.

"See, now I'm the one restrained", I felt about : it was correct, the sleeves were bunched up at the wrists and held them close to her thighs. "You're in my power now, I can do whatever I want with you." I whispered in her ear and continued to fondle. She trembled and bit her lip not to cry out. Then she slowly calmed down. "Now the other way around" I said and drew her leotard back up. She cooperated and soon it was back over her shoulders. "Hey Kerstin" she said and smoothed against me "that won't work, and I quite like you as a girl." I didn't get it. Then slowly it dawned on me. "You prefer girls to boys?" "Well yes, but there is something else" "?" "You can not take off the leotard." How would I not be able to take it off? I felt behind me for the zipper and pulled down. That increased the tension on the necklace around my neck. The closure must somehow have gotten tangled with the zipper pull. I felt further; the closure somehow felt odd. I pushed and pulled but it didn't budge. Susanne whispered "it's the padlock from the sail bag." Now I recognized it. The hasp went through both the zipper pull and the eyelets at the ends of the necklace. I was locked into the leotard! "Where is the key?" "It is inside the sail bag in the boat."

That was mean. The boats were in a closed off and guarded area. No one were to have the opportunity to mess with the boats of the competition at night. Susanne explained that otherwise she would never have gone so far. So there was nothing to it, I wasn't getting out. "Then at least rub a bit harder; I hardly feel anything." Then Susanne was all over me. I hardly got anything out of her massaging my fake breasts, but I didn't want to disturb her efforts. Then she went lower and I started moaning and after a while ejaculated. She gave me a kiss "Sleep well; at least that's what I understand men do, don't they?" I was to tired to answer and fell asleep.

I woke a few times during the night and noticed Susanne's body. How she pressed against me in the tight embrace of the sleeping bag. I stroked over her front and back and marveled about the smoothness of the fabric of her leotard. I would have liked to rub myself again as well, but was afraid that Susanne would awake, so I left it at that. Next time I woke it was already light; I checked my watch but it was only 5AM. I needed to pee. Would she wake when I would try to quietly go to the outhouse? I tried to get out of the sleeping bag, and then I realized that it was not going to work: I was still locked inside the leotard. I struggled with it in my neck for a while, but it was no use. Then the diaper must do what it is for, I thought and simply let it go. I should have turned on my stomach, I realized when I felt the fluids find a way down. The diaper absorbed the moisture. I fell asleep again.

Susanne woke me with a kiss, 'Good morning sweet one, did you sleep well?" She explained to me that she had been awake a few times and fondled me in my sleep. I asked her to retrieve the key now., since the gate should be open by now. She grinned "when I reach the boat, I'll toss the key in the water and you need to stay in there forever." She crawled out of the tent and sprinted off. Me after her. Susanne had a lead. We chased each other all over the camping area. A few people were already awake and probably thought we were doing morning exercise. We were wearing leotards, weren't we? With me the pearl necklace was the only thing that was out of place, but it didn't contrast that much with the bright red of the leotard. Near the boat I finally caught Susanne. We wrestled a bit and I finally ended up on top of her. "Will you surrender?" "I yield" I retrieved the key from the sail bag. To get released I needed to lay down on my stomach. Susanne sat on me and took a lot of time, but finally the necklace dropped into the sand. Susanne stored necklace, lock and key away in the sail bag and grabbed two towels from the boat. "Let's go for a swim, we're all dusty." "Just like that in our leotards?" I asked. Susanne responded that it was nothing special; the leotards were simply somewhat oversized bathing suits. She grabbed my hand and we ran to the beach. In the water we swam for a while. It felt good to swim in the leotard. Only the diaper had of course absorbed all it could and was swollen to the max. Quite the opposite from the towels in my bra, that stuck together and became smaller. At the beach Susanne quickly wound a towel around my chest so that it looked like a strapless dress. It looked a bit weird with the leotard underneath, but I wasn't going to take it off in front of all the people.

Back at the tent we checked the things from yesterday. They had dried by now, so that I could wear the yellow playsuit with the red t-shirt again during the sailing. The last race of this regatta went a little better than the previous ones, and we reached a satisfactory place in the middle of the field. Back on dry land Susanne discovered her parents had arrived. "Great, my mother is here as well." She ran to them and fell in their arms. When I reached them, Susanne said "Hey, my father has taken an extra week of vacation. We can stay here and use the camping facilities." Another week at the Baltic Sea, I thought, wonderful. My parents wanted to go with Kerstin and me into the mountains though. Susanne's father told me he had received a letter from my parents for me. I tore it open and read "Dear Kerstin, Susanne's parents will stay with Susanne at the Baltic Sea for another week. But we have booked that location in the mountains. Please come back home by train. One ticket and some money are included in the letter. The departure times are ..." I looked at Susanne's parents "did they gave you some things for me to wear?" Susanne's mother shook her head.

They really didn't bring any other clothes for me. No one had thought of it, not even Kerstin. She had only added a note to the letter that I should really bring the flowery dress back, in which I left. The other things could be brought along by Susanne's parents next week. Well, at least I would have little luggage to carry. Susanne said "If you wear the dress again, you only need to carry a small handbag." Susanne's parents thought that was a good idea so that was decided. I didn't care one way or the other.

Susanne's parents wanted to go to the beach and already said goodbye. Susanne helped me change in the tent. "After last night you don't have to look away anymore" I said, when I undressed. She looked at me interestedly. That's right, she hasn't seen me naked before. Last night I was locked in the leotard and when I changed she was always either outside the tent or turned away. "I don't see what other women find so special." she said and stuck her hand out hesitantly. I ensured her that she didn't need to be afraid to touch it. So she started feeling it, and was a little startled when it suddenly started to rise. "That goes quickly. You men are wired simply. Isn't it bothersome to always have something like that in your pants?" "Just as uncomfortable as boobs that dance around when you're running." I replied. She came back at me "I liked you better as a girl." and started sorting through my luggage. Then she handed me something that I first took for an undershirt. But it turned out to be a pink body. I stepped in it from the top, like I did with the leotards. Susanne agreed that that was one way to put it on, but that a body also has snaps in the crotch so that you can put it on as a normal undershirt. In the bathroom that is a lot simpler. Though that didn't matter with the dress that I put on next, since because of the attached panties that was also like a body, but without the closure in the crotch. Susanne pulled the zipper up. If I needed to go to the bathroom, I would need to stretch and bend quite a bit. But Susanne said I should better just ask for help; that was normal between women. Susanne put a little make-up on me. Something was still missing: the pearl necklace. I went off to the boat while Susanne packed my bag in the mean time.

The necklace was easily found: it was still in the sail bag in the boat. I put the it around my neck and strained to get to the hasp. Then the padlock of the bag drew my attention. I realized that the zipper on the dress went up as high at that on the leotard the previous night. Should I do it?

The lock lay in front of me with the key in it. Should I do it? It wouldn't be a problem: I had the key so I could get out whenever I wanted. But the feeling of being locked in with no one around me having a clue would be there. That feeling was definitely something I wanted. On the other hand, it was already bad enough to travel home dressed as a girl. Why would I need a lock as well? I put it back into the sail bag.

I put the necklace around my neck again and tried to close it. Why didn't it work? I took it off again and studied the ends. On both sides there was an eyelet but nothing else; there was no actual hasp. Whatever, then I'll just use the lock anyway. It was silver colored, almost round, and even smaller than the largest red pearls on the necklace. So it wouldn't draw attention in between the pearls, and could easily be taken for a clasp. I turned the key and the hasp sprang open. Put it first through one eyelet, then the zipper. Quite some fumbling in my neck: I needed a third hand and eyes in the back of my head.

"So, you're going off?" I startled. Jana stood there in front of me; I hadn't noticed her at all. "You seem to be ready for departure, but the boat isn't." She was right; the boat was still geared like just as shortly after the regatta. I explained to Jana that Susanne would stay another week with her parents, but that I was already going back today by train. "That's great. I'll take you to the train station with my motorcycle." she offered to me. I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. "What are you doing there, anyway? Should I give a hand?" "No, it's alright" I was trying to say, but she was already behind me and fumbling with the necklace. "Many clasps are quite difficult to handle." Jana said "Hey, this is a padlock.. Now I've got it!" I heard a click and turned around. I felt for the lock with my hand "Where is the key?" Jana stood grinning in front of me and hid both hands behind her back "Left or right?" "Left" "Too bad" "You tricked me, the key was in the other hand." Jana just laughed "using a padlock is cool; were you wearing it early this morning as well? I was already wondering why you combined the pearl necklace with a leotard." So she had been watching us. I admitted she was right. She kept asking more: where the key had been? when was I locked into the leotard? I told her everything in the hopes of getting the key back. Only our big secret I kept to myself. She was amazed. "At least with the dress you can go to the bathroom." I explained to her that it was more like a romper with attached skirt. "Then you're out of luck. We'll meet at the parking lot in 15 minutes." She turned around and sped off. I stood there unbelieving. Blast I thought, if things weren't bad enough already.

Susanne had packed my handbag. I peeked in curiously: what would girls store in their purses? Money, the letter from my parents with the train ticket, a brush, handkerchief, lipstick a small water bottle and Kerstin's ID. Right, I hadn't even thought about the ID. Even if Kerstin were to start limping around in a bar or disco, she wouldn't get in without her ID. Ha. "I have also put the clasp of the necklace in the side pocket." Susanne looked at me more closely "But how did you put it on without the clasp?" She laughed when she saw the lock, "you'd better be careful with the key then. I didn't say anything but mumbled to myself. Susanne approved of Jana bringing me to the station on her motorcycle. "Then you don't have to go with the bus." She gave me a kiss and sent me off with a slap on my behind.

At the parking lot I started looking for Jana. When I spotted her, I was stunned. If she wouldn't have taken off her full helmet, I wouldn't even have recognized her. She was dressed all in black leather. At first I thought it was a jacket and pants, but then I saw the zipper in front. It went all the way from the collar down to below the belly button and was covered by a panel with snaps. The suit was a one-piece. "Wow" I said "that looks terrific." Jana smiled proudly and turned around. I hadn't noticed until then how slender she was; her t-shirt had effectively hidden that. At the back there were several fan-shaped seams and at the kidneys there was polstering. Jana explained that it had an incorporated kidney belt. "At first I didn't like it because it makes me look fatter, but when everything is in one piece, you can't forget anything." In front was the zipper and two chest pockets. The collar went up pretty high and closed with a wide tab with two snaps, that also covered the zipper. Jana told me that her uncle was a master furrier and had promised her one when she would get a motorcycle. At her last birthday it happened: her father had got her a 150cc and her uncle gave her the custom-made suit. "But let's go now."

She jumpstarted her cycle and got on. "Come here and get a good grip." I climbed on board an tried to find something behind me to hold on to. "You need to put your arms around my waist and slide close to me. In the corners you need to lean with me." OK then, I grabbed her and snuggled close. We drove off. Do we need to go so fast? I was somewhat fearful and grabbed her stronger. Which made the wonderful smell of leather whiff into my nostrils. What, already there? The trip lasted for less than 10 minutes; too bad.

"When does your train leave?" I checked it over once more, "only in one hour." Jana took off her helmet. "Phew, is it warm today." She opened the snaps of her collar and pulled down the zip part of the way. Under the collar she wore a green silk scarf, and when she took that off and put it inside the helmet, I suddenly saw my key again. She had put it on a leather strap that she wore around her neck. I stared at it and yelled "Give me the key back" she just replied "oh, let me keep it for a while longer; I kept on thinking about you being in my power now. Just like Susanne last night. Let's go and have some ice cream." I grumbled, but she said "Isn't this fair? You have the lock and I the key!" She took my hand and we strolled around the pedestrian zone. What would people be thinking? We definitely looked like an odd couple. The contrast between the leather jumpsuit and my flimsy summer dress could not be bigger. We bought some ice cream and sat at a table outside the parlor. Jana began to interrogate me "Was Susanne angry about me spraying you with the hose?" "Why would Susanne be?" I asked "I was a bit cross initially, but then it turned out to be fun." Jana asked "Aren't you together, then? The way you were looking this morning, and last night you weren't very quiet either?" I turned red; had she discovered our secret? Would I get the key back?

What now? I decided to gamble everything on one card: "We are just friends, who sometimes like to fool around a bit." Jana sighed with relief. "Great. What do you think, would Susanne sail with me somewhere down the week?" Now it slowly dawned on me that she wasn't interested in me, but wanted to get to Susanne through me "That would surely interest her; perhaps you can sail with your boat - she is quite enthusiastic about it." Jana wasn't really listening. "If she's so into leotards, I should still have one around somewhere, too. I could wear that then." I tried to imagine Jana in a leotard and was disappointed that I couldn't be present for that. "If you would show up in that motor jumpsuit, she would definitely dig that too." "You think? I'd just wear the leotard under it then." "What are you wearing under it normally?" I asked. She bent over and whispered in my ear "Often nothing; the suit is so warm and feels so nice on the skin." My eyes grew large "and currently? Nothing under it, too?" She nodded and bit on her lip "but please don't tell anyone."
Hand in hand we strolled back to the train station. I was constantly looking her over and floated on cloud nine.

The train was already at the platform. I found myself a seat. Jana stood at the platform. We talked some more through the open window. The conductor blew his whistle. Jana wanted to give me one more kiss. I bent over. Then I spotted the key around her neck once more "The key" I shouted. She took the strap with the key off and handed it to me "You can keep the strap. Get home safely." "Say hi to Susanne for me." The train started to move. I closed the window and sat down. The weekend had been great but quite enervating. The train rattled and the landscape whizzed by...

To be continued in part 3B...