Harness kids translated from:http://www.abdlscandinavia.com/s.php?a=v&id=865 original title: Selungar Added by: f.d. medlem 3 sep 2006 On a sunny afternoon in October, I was sitting outside the little shop that is just inside the docks in the marina. I was waiting for Agneta to come back. She had been away for a while now and I started to get bored and wanted to go home. I was also quite wet and cold inside my bright orange jumpsuit. I had helped my aunt Agneta clean the sailboat of algae and dirt after it was lifted on land for the winter. We had worked hard for most of the day. In the end we were done and the boat shone. Agneta switched off the high pressure washer and breathed out as she sat down at the end of the dais on which the mast was raised. "Could you go over and shut off the tap?" she asked as she began to take off the yellow heavy raincoat she had worn as protection against the water and dirt. I started to move away over the gravel but I could not go all the way. "Agneta! Agneta, I can not reach!" I called out to her. "OK! I'll release the pin" she replied. She snuggled one arm inside her vinyl overalls and got the key from one of the pockets of the jeans underneath. She got up and put the key in the reel hanging locked with a padlock to the boat cabin. As she pulled out the pin from the reel, I could walk the few meters to the tap because the line was running freely. "Good, bring the nose and come back here," she cried. As I approached, I saw that she put back the pin and then unlocked the padlock of the retractable leash. She grabbed the handle on the reel and pulled a little on the line to get my attention where I stood with my back facing her and coiling the water hose. "Now we go to the car, and I'm going to the Öhbergs and return the pressure washer" she said. We went out on the road and left a few hundred meters. Agneta's Volvo was parked behind a fence at the store in the marina. She started opening the back door, but changed her mind and turned around. "You'll have to wait here while I'm going to pick up a tarpaulin," said Agneta and locked the retractable leash to the fence. She got in the car and left. There I was, wearing my thick waterproof jumpsuit in orange vinyl. My strong escape-proof harness coated with blue rubber was on the outside of the suit. Agneta always tightened it carefully before locking it so, it's safe for me to play. It has strong bands over the shoulders, the body and wide bands around my legs. Inside the shiny, durable rubber of the straps is the steel cable that makes the harness so safe. So I was locked just below the stairs up to the store with the leash of plastic-coated wire. Because Agneta put the pin back, I could just pull out the line about 5 meter. What would I do now? Everybody who went in could see that I was a restrained harness kid. Yes, I could do nothing but sit there. Quite a few passed by for a while. Most did not seem to see me at all, but some looked at me. A young couple passed by. The man pointed at me and told the woman: "Such stuff would we have for Hedvig" "Hedvig is almost adult! But it sure is practical!" said the woman. I was tired of being on display and turned elsewhere. I played for a while with some stones in a small puddle. After a while, I was really bored. I got up and jumped full-force into the next puddle closer to the store. I stood looking down at the crowd as the muddy water flowed down my legs and arms. Somebody said something and I looked up. "Hello! What a nice overall you have" said a girl with a blonde long hair of my own age. I immediately recognized her because she went on the same bus as I went to school at my home town. She stood on the stairs to the store with a candy bag in her hand. I had missed when she went into the store! I felt myself blushing. "But if you're going to jump like that, you should probably have a full body overall with attached gloves and boots." she said bravely and smirked. "Sad place to be tied up. See you on Monday!" she said, turning her back. What would happen now? Would the whole school find out I'm a harness kid? I shuddered when I thought about it. Just then, I could not think about it anymore because Agneta came back. We laid the tarpaulin over the boat and went home. At that point, it had leaked a lot in my plastic diaper. Nice to have a plastic diaper and not a disgusting regular diaper that I had when I was younger. The plastic diaper collected everything in a tank between the legs. It was harder to put but more practical for all-day adventures. Throughout my childhood, I have sailed the summers with my aunt and her friend. They own the pretty big boat together. When I was younger, my older cousin Nina, Agneta's daughter, was on the boat too, but she has moved away from home and is not so interested anymore. The rule is that everyone under the age of 25 should always be fastened with a locked harness in all contexts related to boats. The insurance will then be cheaper and it is a lot safer. This means that both me and Nina have always had a harness on us as soon as we went out to the boat. On the boat you are secured and on land a leash can be attached or you can play on a long line. You are allowed to swim in the harness with nothing underneath. But on a lake there you're wearing a lot of vinyl clothing. Then it was monday again and I went with the bus to school. A couple of stops after I got on that girl entered who saw me outside the fishing shop. She went straight to me said hello. She sat beside and asked: "So you do not have a jumpsuit on today?" She did not wait for an answer but added: "My name is Ann-Sofi." I got a little surprised and afraid that she would start talking more about my vinyl clothes and my harness so the rest of the bus would hear. I was probably quiet on the bus, but Ann-Sofi started chattering about all sorts of subjects. Fortunately, she said nothing more about what she had seen. We met on the bus several days a week and on Friday she asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her and another girlfriend. I was very surprised to be asked, but I said yes in any case. We were going to meet at the cinema on Saturday afternoon. All said and done, I took the bus into town that took me to the cinema. Almost immediately I saw Ann-Sofi and her friend. "This is Lotta," she said, standing with her hands behind her back. Lotta looked up from the candy bag she just got and shook my hand. "We already have tickets for all three," said Lotta, but she added "But we need more candy". I said I could buy more. After I did we went in. Lotta sat down next to her friend, and I sat on the other side with my bag of candy. "May I taste some," asked Ann-Sofi. Obviously I let her. I held the bag, and she stretched out towards it. Then I saw it! There were no ordinary hands but more like colorful red blobs. She was wearing rubber gloves. I froze and she caught my eyes. "Yes, I'm wearing a gel suit," she said. I did not know how to react. This tough girl was obviously locked in a gel-filled jumpsuit. Certainly, it must be locked; she would not wear it on a voluntary basis. I had never had anyone on me, but my cousin Nina had one for a while. It was supposed to be less humid and cold if you wore vinyl clothes for a long time. But Nina thought it wasn't very good and refused to have it after a while. This meant that under Ann-Sofi's jeans there was a layer of vinyl or rubber, a layer of gel and a diaper. Because she must have a diaper, she could not go to the toilet in that outfit. I wondered if she had a harness on too? It was a little hard to concentrate on the movie, especially against the tense ending when Ann-Sofi instinctively brabbed my hand with one of his rubber mittens. After the movie we went out and the friend Lotta was picked up by someone by car. So there I stood, alone with Ann-Sofi? After a little talk about the movie for a while, we stopped silently at the bus stop. We lived in the same direction, so we had to take the same bus. When the bus came and we stepped on, I had to help her get the bus card from her back pocket on the jeans. Her rubber hands without fingers were too clumsy. When we sat down, I could not hold myself in any longer and asked: "Do you often wear a gel suit?" "Just on weekends and holidays" "Why?" "I do not want it at school." "I mean why do you have the jumpsuit?" "It's practical." "Do you wear a harness as well?" "Of course. Why would I otherwise have a gel suit on? " Most others had left the bus at this time. We were left alone in the rear of the bus. "So you're also a harness kid?" "Do you want to see?" She pulled the jacket off, and took off the knitted sweater she wore. Now I saw that her body was enclosed in a light yellow vinyl jumpsuit. Only the mittens were made of red rubber. A blue rubber harness with padlock kept it all together. Some straps disappeared downward into the jeans. The bus had stopped and more people came back in the bus. Ann-Sofi hurried to get on the sweater again. We were silent again and it was not until she left the bus as she said: "See you tomorrow?" I answered that we could. The next morning it rained. I sat in my room on the second floor and stared out on the wet leaves outside the farm wondering when she would be in contact. But it was only morning, so I was just about to go and do something else when I saw two figures approaching the far end of the walkway outside. An adult woman wearing black long raincoat walked behind a shorter younger person wearing a blue vinyl overalls with welded red rubber boots and gloves. Could it be her? Whoever it was there was a red rubber harness around the body, just as I had. I could not see the face because a southwest with a visor was in the way. As they came closer, I saw them a little bit from the side and then I discovered that the harnessed person had long blond hair hanging in a plastic bag down on the back underneath the southwester. It just had to be Ann-Sofi. Now I also saw that she had a long leash in the back. She went wrong when the walkway split and the woman behind pulled hard to get Ann-Sofi on the right track. When this happened, the girl's head flew backwards. Now I clearly saw that they were heading for our door. A few seconds later the doorbell rang. My mom opened the door. She was probably a little surprised. While I was heading down the stairs, I heard they started talking. "Hello! I think we met at the parents' meeting. My name is Liss Skoglund and I'm the mother of Ann-Sofi here." "Well, yes, yes, we met. Eva is my name." Now I had almost reached the door. "Apparently the kids had agreed to meet today." I approached and said hi, but I only saw Ann-Sofi's eyes through the translucent part of the visor. The rest was of darker plastic. Her mother put a key in a lock at the girl's temple. She twisted and the visor turned up. I looked big-eyed and almost dropped my chin when I saw what was hidden under the visor. "Hey again," Ann-Sofi said, drooling a little bit I could barely believe my eyes, but she had one of those weird halter bits through her mouth. My mom looked surprised. "I could not contain her well with only the harness, so when she started her high school, I got her a bridle," said Lisa. "Well. Yes, that's practical ... " Ann-Sofi took a step over the threshold, but her mother pulled her back quickly. "I do not think they want to have a gooey girl like you in the house" she said. And certainly Ann-Sofi was muddy. "We will go to the playground and I will stay there for a while. Do you want to come? " Before I answered her, Mom said "It's perfect vinyl weather today, but the harness and jumpsuit are with my sister"