December 15th, 2024
Dear Fans, let me start by wishing you a merry Christmas and a successful 2025.
It has been rather quiet here this year, and that is mainly because something incredible happened: I found someone who is not only into the same fetishes as me, largely, but also is a great match for me in regular life. She immigrated here a year ago, and lives with me now. Getting her settled and building a life together has kept us rather busy, and some other things consequently got less attention.
Luckily Der Klaus has produced some more chapters on his Segeln/Sailing story, so there is an update again, anyway. You can find 2 more chapters on his contributor page.
July 21st, 2024
I'm still too busy to do much here, but I have managed to review the new story of Der Klaus, although it is still far from finished. Doing the English translation is too much for me at the moment, so der Klaus has just added an automatically translated version. You can find his new story, Segeln / Sailing, on his contributor page.
March 2nd, 2024
Having many other things on my mind, there has not been much activity here lately. I am working, when I find the time, on reviewing the first part of a new story by Der Klaus, so hopefully we can publish that here in the foreseeable future.
I recently bought and read Ariel Anderssens biography, Playing to Lose, and enjoyed it a lot. So on the 'My Model Shoots' page I added a reference to where the book can be found.
April 5th, 2023
A fan of my website, Angel, decided to send me a little response to The New Uniform, from the little girl's perspective. I've added a link to it at the bottom of the story. Angel will hopefully write some material for my website in the near future, and will get a contributor section then.
April 4th, 2023
This morning I wrote a tiny story; it is just a monologue of a father helping his daughter into her new school uniform. It's called
'The new Uniform', and as always can be found on the stories page.
March 26th, 2023
Der Klaus has already made the translation of my latest story, which can now be found at the Stories page too.
March 25th, 2023
It has been quiet here for a while. I'm not saying that nothing happened, but one potential contributor stopped communicating suddenly, and with another I am still looking what would be suitable for this site.
After my last story, in October, there were other things in my life that distracted me from writing, and I didn't write anything for about 4 months. But things have quieted down a bit again, and when a few weeks ago there were several moments where I talked with others about parents in care homes, I started fantasizing about how it would be if I were old and feeble enough to need to make that move too. Of course the fantasy contained fetish elements as well. I have now written this into a short story that you can find on the Stories page:
Old (but not dead yet).
November 28th, 2022
As announced in September, Klaus had already finished writing the second new chapter (13.13) in the Marson story as well, but due to personal circumstances, both him processing my review comments and me making the English translation took longer than planned. But now both the German and English versions are finished, and available on his contributions page.
November 26th, 2022
Updated links to my Misterpoll polls on the links page: the old links now redirect to their new setup pollsters.com, which is not fetish-friendly. The original polls and forums can still be found via original.misterpoll.com.
October 26th, 2022
Der Klaus has already made the translation of the latest story: 'Kleidung fuer eine Hochzeit'.
October 25th, 2022
My next short story is available on the Stories page: Dressing for a Wedding. The synopsis there is short, because I worry that saying more would spoil too much.
October 7th, 2022
Der Klaus created the German translation of the Iris Adventures, part 3, chapter 1.
October 3rd, 2022
After an 8 months break, I finished the first chapter of the Iris Adventures Part 3, which I had started writing shortly after finishing part 2, but had parked away. Note that I am uncertain if and how much more I will write on the Iris story, but I wanted to at least get the part published that I had already started to write.
September 20th, 2022
A fan suggested a new way of preventing overalls straps being pulled off the shoulders. I have added a description to the 'Sliding Straps' page, including a link to a mini photo gallery in which I show the solution on my inflatable mannequin.
September 12th, 2022
As already announced, Der Klaus has written two more chapters in the Marson story. The first one, 13.12 is available now, in German and English on his Contributor page. Chapter 13.13 will follow in the coming weeks.
August 31st, 2022
Der Klaus has already made the translation of the latest story: 'Auf dem Festwagen'.
August 30th, 2022
At the moment I am in the reviewing and translating process of the next two chapters of der Klaus' Marson story. It is quite a bit of work, so it might take a bit longer, but keep an eye out for those.
In the mean time I've written another short story, 'On the Float', that you can find in the stories section.
August 5th, 2022
Der Klaus has already made a translation of the new story ('Die Gefahren des Schlafwandelns'). It is available on the story page now.
I also made some small changes to the English version, mainly to make the language a bit more childlike.
August 4th, 2022
Getting into the writing mood again from the previous story, I wrote another short story in these last few days: The Dangers of Sleepwalking. As usual you can find it in the stories section.
July 23rd, 2022
Immediately Der Klaus has made a translation of the new story the Crib ('Das Gitterbett'). It is available on the story page now.
A few days ago a follower of my website, Elros, sent me his first attempt of a story, and we decided to give him his own Contributor page, where you can find his story: An Evening Concert.
July 22nd, 2022
I wrote a story for a Dutch ABDL forum. When it was finished (26 pages) I also translated it to English and added it to the stories page: Het Spijlenbed / The Crib. It has similarities to the Iris Adventures.
April 4th, 2022
Added the German translation of 'Our First Night Together', called 'Unsere erste gemeinsame Nacht', to the Stories page.
April 2nd, 2022
Wrote a new short story (9 pages) called 'Our First Night Together' - see the stories page.
FYI, I'm occasionally writing a bit on the Iris story as well, but I'm not really in the flow, and am still unsure how it will develop further.
February 13th, 2022
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now also completed (= up to and including chapter 23).
Later in the day: Der Klaus has produced a new chapter in the Marson series, 3.11, and after reviewing and translation, it is now available on his Contributors page in both German and English.
February 12th, 2022
Added chapter 23 (7 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', completing part 2. I'm already thinking about part 3, but might take a break first.
February 1st, 2022
Added chapter 22 (8 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Monday evening.
Later in the day: The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now already up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 22).
January 22nd, 2022
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 21).
January 21st, 2022
Added chapter 21 (16 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Monday afternoon.
January 1st, 2022
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 20).
December 31st, 2021
Added chapter 20 (10 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Monday the second half of the morning.
December 26th, 2021
Added 3 more links (thanks to Tony for contributing them) to a girl in shortalls, struggling in bondage, by Steve-jones-the-2nd. You can find them on the Overalls Links page, at the bottom of the 'Picture collections' collections section.
December 25th, 2021
Added a link to a video of 2 wrestling ladies in overalls to the Overalls Links page, at the bottom, and some overalls fetish video's on Clips4Sale in Mistress Nicci's collection. Both contain some bondage too.
December 20th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 19).
December 19th, 2021
Added chapter 19 (8 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Monday the first half of the morning. I didn't manage to write that much these weeks, so I decided on a smaller update this time.
December 5th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 18).
December 4th, 2021
Added chapter 17 and 18 (17 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Sunday afternoon and evening.
November 26th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 16).
November 25th, 2021
Added chapter 15 and 16 (18 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Sunday morning.
November 18th, 2021
For a change something else than the Iris story: Der Klaus has produced a new chapter in the Marson series, 3.10, and after reviewing and translation, it is now available on his Contributors page in both German and English.
Also reorganized the second half of the stories page, and the contributions of Der Klaus page, to make the links to the stories more accessible.
November 16th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 14).
November 13nd, 2021
Added chapter 13 and 14 (18 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Saturday afternoon and evening.
November 10th, 2021
I have reorganized the page with my stories to make the links more easily accessible. I also added a very short story, Denise Denied.
November 6th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 12).
November 2nd, 2021
Added chapter 12 (16 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Saturday morning, with Iris visiting the Fletchers again.
October 21st, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 11).
October 17th, 2021
Added chapter 11 (15 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Friday afternoon and evening.
October 4th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 10).
October 3rd, 2021
Added chapter 10 (5 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Friday noon. Since I didn't have much opportunity to write lately, I decided to publish only the first part of the afternoon to not keep the fans waiting for too long.
September 11th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 9).
September 8th, 2021
Added chapter 9 (11 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about Friday morning.
September 5th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= up to and including chapter 8), and available on the story page.
August 23rd, 2021
Added chapter 8 (3 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', completing Thursday.
August 22nd, 2021
Added chapter 7 (7 pages, no new pictures) to 'Iris Back Home', about Thursday afternoon. I have been otherwise occupied, so there was little opportunity for writing. Now that I have started again, I decided to publish the one chapter, even though Thursday is not yet complete, to give the fans something new again.
Also added a link in the 'Bondage Shops with interesting Clothing' section of the Overalls Links page, to a back-zip prison jumpsuit, and a short video where that is locked on (over a chastity belt).
July 16th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= including chapter 6), and available on the story page.
July 12th, 2021
Added chapter 6 (10 pages) to 'Iris Back Home', about the first half of Thursday.
July 11th, 2021
The German version of Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now up-to-date (= including the whole Wednesday), and available on the story page.
July 5th, 2021
Added 2 more chapters (20 pages) to 'Iris Back Home' about the rest of Wednesday.
June 26th, 2021
The German version of the second and third chapter of the sequel Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now available on the story page.
I have not yet written much more on the English version; some other things have occupied me, and I still need to work out a number of things about the progression of the story.
June 13th, 2021
Small update of the German version of part 1 (Iris hilft aus): added the missing footnotes.
June 11th, 2021
Added 2 more chapters (19 pages) to 'Iris Back Home' about the Wednesday morning.
June 5th, 2021
The German version of the first chapter of the sequel Iris Back Home, Iris Zurück Zuhause, is now also available on the story page.
June 2nd, 2021
I hadn't planned it, but after finishing the Iris Helps Out story, I immediately started writing on a sequel: Iris Back Home. Now the first chapter is ready, starting where the prequel ended, and describing the rest of the day, back home with her mother.
May 30th, 2021
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now complete as well.
June 1st: update of German version with all images and links removed and added again, due to many problems with wrong references. Also did several other corrections (typo's and consistent format of unit conversions) and minor updates of recent changes.
May 29th, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (23 pages) to the Iris story, finishing the story with Iris leaving the Fletchers on Tuesday afternoon.
May 20th, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (9 pages) to the Iris story, completing Monday.
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now fully up-to-date as well.
May 16th, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (12 pages) to the Iris story, about Monday up to the afternoon nap.
May 6th, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (12 pages) to the Iris story, completing the Sunday.
May 2nd, 2021
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now fully up-to-date (day 7 until after lunch).
April 30th, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (12 pages) to the Iris story, about Sunday until after lunch. I expected to write less about that day, but that was not really the case.
April 25th, 2021
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now fully up-to-date (day 6 complete).
April 21st, 2021
Added 2 new chapters (16 pages) to the Iris story. Saturday (day 6) is complete now.
April 18th, 2021
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now fully up-to-date (up to day 6 noon).
Did a very minor update of the English version a yesterday, with some spelling errors corrected, and an extra paragraph (3rd last).
April 15th, 2021
Added 3 new chapters (15 pages) to the Iris story. This is a busy day, so it only covers up to and including the lunch.
April 10th, 2021
The German version of Iris Helps Out is now fully up-to-date (up to the end of Friday, with the 4 extra paragraphs. Thanks to Der Klaus once more!
One more reason to celebrate for me: in the first 9 days of April, the story (English version) has been requested more than 1000 times from the server!
April 8th, 2021
A fan of the Iris Helps Out story had such a good suggestion that I had to add another 4 paragraphs to the last chapter (23).
April 7th, 2021
Friday (day 5) is now completed with the Iris story (another 13 pages).
April 5th, 2021
Sorry for those who are impatient to read more about Iris. I haven't finished the day yet, but I expect to in a few days.
But Der Klaus made a version if the story translated into German with Deepl.com, and a lot of manual labor, so for those who prefer to read in that language, it is available now on the story page.
April 2nd, 2021
For Easter I decided to deviate from my normal publishing a full new day, and added the morning of day five to my Iris helps out story. About 10 more pages for those who have a bit more time because of the holiday.
March 28th, 2021
Added day four to my Iris helps out story. Another 19 pages.
Evening: Small update with a few logical and typo-logical fixes, a few minor additions, a front page and a table of contents.
March 21st, 2021
Added day three to my Iris helps out story. Not quite as long as day 2, but still 20 more pages.
March 20th, 2021
Minor update on the waist fastenings page, with an extra picture and text about locking a zipper, and updated information about the webshop naturtraum-shop.de.
March 14th, 2021
Recently I started writing on a larger story called 'Iris helps out', and now I publish the first part. I created a new section 'Stories' for it, and moved my other 2 short stories, which I had until now parked at the Contributions page, there. There were also several stories that I found on the Internet, several of which I translated into English, that were until now in the Contributors/Various section, but since they were not actually contributed by their writers for this site, they fit better in the Stories section.
January 26th, 2021
Added chapter 13.9 of the Marson story, in both German (html and PDF), and English (PDF). You can find it in the Contributors section under Der Klaus.
January 21st, 2021
Added an old story, which I translated from German long ago, to the Contributors - Various page (at the bottom).
January 5th, 2021
Happy and healthy New Year, y'all!
Several people asked me details on the harness I made in 2020, and can be seen in the Zara photo shoot 'in rainwear and harness'. So I decided to write out all details of the materials used, how I constructed it and why. This is at the bottom of the 'My Own Designs' page:
My webbing harness.
December 30th, 2020
Klaus has delivered 2 new chapters of the Marson story. 13.9 I'm still reviewing and translating, but 13.8 is ready now, both in German and corrected English. (Even though I have not yet corrected a number of previous chapters, I currently do the translation in parallel with checking the German, because automatic translation errors often point to typo's I missed.)
I also added a link to a video of an overalls lover parody (at the bottom of the links page).
December 4th, 2020
Added yet another new story by Klaus, this one very short, but including a set of school rules that might form the basis of future stories.
November 4th, 2020
Added a new story by Klaus, of about 65 pages, which has quite a few similarities with the Marson story, but it is already complete, although there might one day be a sequel. The story is already available in both German and English on the
Contributor Klaus page.
October 19th, 2020
Shortly after writing my first story I had a second idea, with a similar theme, and today I wrote it out. It's called 'Toasty, but...' The stories are independent but might have the same characters, and definitely have the same setup. You can also find it on the
Contributors page.
October 18th, 2020
I noticed the introduction on the Movies page was outdated, referring to my deleted YouTube account, so I rewrote it. And since 'Movies' might suggest actual video's, I renamed it in the menu to 'Mainstream movies'. I also updated the text in the Net Galleries page, since the new gallery format is already 4 years old, and removed the links to the old-style galleries.
The short story I wrote (October 12th) I have for now added to the
Contributors page, since I don't have a story section, and don't want to create on for one story of less than a thousand words.
October 17th, 2020
Corrected the automatic English translation of the Marson story up to and including chapter 12.2.
October 12th, 2020
Slightly reorganized the Contributor - Klaus pages, and added an announcement for a new story coming soon...
I actually got inspired by Klaus, and today I wrote my first own mini story. I still don't consider myself a writer though, and I don't expect ever producing something big. Because I don't have a story section here, and putting myself in with the contributors seems wrong too, so for now I posted it on an overalls forum: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/overalls/viewtopic.php?p=21367
September 13th, 2020
Corrected the automatic English translation of the Marson story up to and including chapter 11.5.
August 29th, 2020
Corrected the automatic English translation of the Marson story up to and including chapter 11.4.
August 15th, 2020
Corrected the automatic English translation of the Marson story up to and including chapter 11.2.
August 10th, 2020
Added the fifth and last gallery of the Zara shoot. 22 pictures of Zara in bondage.
August 9th, 2020
Added the fourth gallery of the Zara shoot. 72 pictures of Zara in a rain suit and harness.
August 7th, 2020
Added the third gallery of the Zara shoot. 46 pictures about a strait onesie.
August 5th, 2020
Added the second gallery of the Zara shoot. 130 pictures in 4 series.
August 2nd, 2020
On July 27th I did a shoot with a new model, Zara. The first series on available now.
May 9th, 2020
Updated the Links page, with several interesting video's on PornHub, and completed the list of my polls on MisterPoll.
April 30th, 2020
Added links to pictures Ariel twittered with her new overalls to the 2020 Model gallery.
Added some text on tie wraps for securing fastenings.
April 13th, 2020
Updated the Marson story with translation corrections up to and including the smallish chapter 9.
April 11th, 2020
Updated the Marson story with translation corrections up to and including the whole chapter 8.
April 3rd, 2020
Updated the Marson story with translation corrections up to and including chapter 8.2.
Updated the straps fastening page with an address where you can buy magnetic locking buckles separately, and added a tip to the instructions for using those on regular overalls.
March 28th, 2020
Added the last chapters (13.3 to 13.7) to the English translation of the Marson story, and also corrected chapter 6.
March 27th, 2020
Added chapters 11 to 13.2 to the English translation of the Marson story, and also corrected chapters 4 and 5.
March 24th, 2020
Added chapters 9 and 10 to the English translation of the Marson story, and also corrected chapters 2 and 3.
March 23rd, 2020
Since by now I've heard from several people interested enough in the Marson story from Klaus that they use an online translation service to read it. So I thought it might be more efficient if I do that once for everyone, and have now done the first 8 chapters. You can find the link on the Contributor-Klaus page. I started to correct translation mistakes, but that is so time consuming that I stopped after chapter 1, and first aim to get everything translated automatically. (Deepl.com translations are often quite readable.) Perhaps I will gradually edit more chapters.
March 22nd, 2020
1 new chapter, 13.7, of Klaus' story about the Marsons (in German) - you can find it in the contributors section.
March 16th, 2020
Added a list of steps to help you replace the buckles of your own overalls with locking ones: see the link on the bottom of the 'strap fastenings' page.
Added a link in the main menu to the (already existing, but expanded) MisterPoll forum where everybody can leave feedback,ask questions ,etc.
March 15th, 2020
Added the fifth and last series ('Frog Tie') to the Ariel 2020 gallery.
March 13th, 2020
Added the fourth series ('Scavenger') to the Ariel 2020 gallery. Also added a link to Ariel writing a book with her biography on the model shoots page (
Ariel Author).
March 8th, 2020
Added the third series ('Wedgie') to the Ariel 2020 gallery, with a revisit of the 2016 scenario: Retarded.
Note that for the 2020 galleries I've increased the image size to about twice as many pixels, so that they are still sharp on larger screens. This may increase loading times though.
March 7th, 2020
Added the second series ('Trick Buckles') to the Ariel 2020 gallery. With 105 photo's it is the largest series of the shoot, and it demonstrates some very interesting ideas.
March 4th, 2020
2 days ago I did another short shoot with Ariel, and the first gallery ('Model') is online now.
February 9th, 2020
Added two photo's to the
secure waist page with an explanation on how to hide a padlock on overalls side buttons.
By the way, spoiler alert: I just booked Ariel for a short shoot on March 2nd. It will only be 3 hours or so instead of the full days of the previous 5 shoots, so it will only be a few series.
February 5th, 2020
Added photo's of a pair of overalls with magnetic locking buckles on the
strap fastenings page.
February 3rd, 2020
Added a footwear section to the new selecting clothes page.
January 31st, 2020
Added a page with tips on how to select clothes that are suitable to make confining / locking under the securing in clothes section.
January 25th, 2020
Added info and link to the movies page on a photo series of some stunt recordings for the new supervillain movie Birds of Prey.
January 18th, 2020
Extended the
securing the waist page with a chapter on the use of zippers with built-in locking mechanism.
January 13th, 2020
Added a few extra locking buckles at the bottom of the
strap fastenings page.
December 29th, 2019
Updated the Overalls links page: since Yahoo effectively closed down the groups there is no use referring to them anymore, and moved links to Art Foster's material to the Blogs section. Added several links to Clips4sale.com, where many sellers offer their fetish videoclips, that has a separate category for overalls, with several interesting sellers.
October 23rd, 2019
Tiny addition on the links page to alert people to the OverallDecay's favorites on
DeviantArt: it is a great collection of bondage and overalls pictures that saves you the effort of searching through all of DeviantArt yourself.
August 25th, 2019
1 new chapter, 13.6, of Klaus' story about the Marsons (in German) - you can find it in the contributors section.
July 13th, 2019
Found out that you can still order Ar-Tex jumpsuits, like from the 2016 'Committed' shoot, and added the new link to the 'Related Fetishes' section 'Geriatrics'.
Januray 6th, 2019
3 new chapters, 13.3, .4, and .5, of Klaus' story about the Marsons (in German). He is putting a lot of effort in the writing, and me a bit with the reviewing, so we would like to hear from the readers; in particular on whether you like how strictly Svenja is being treated.
Also added a contributed picture to the 'strap fastenings' page about using wire around overalls buckles to make them sturdier (4th pic).
September 19th, 2018
Added a second story, Harness kids, that I automatically translated from Swedish and edited to make it readable. Again at the Contributors - Various page.
September 14th, 2018
Updated links on the Overalls Links page to some accounts of OverallsDecay, who used to have a Flickr account as Marilpet, and is mostly interested in overalls suspension and wedgies.
September 10th, 2018
Edited the automatic translation of a Swedish story, a trip with auntie, to make it readable. You can find it at the bottom of the Contributors - Various page. The story is similar to those by Lord Grey and Klaus, but it is far from finished.
September 1st, 2018
Added the latest reviewed chapter, 13.2, of Klaus' story about the Marsons (in German). To make reading the longer chapters easier, he is also providing the chapters in PDF.
August 25th, 2018
Added several Overalls Links to some more of my misterpoll polls, and some that a contributor sent me: Alex and his collar collection under picture collections, and Jayce Lane's House of Mess under commercial.
July 22nd, 2018
Added 2 images of a full metal chastity corset on the Related page, and 1 link to Art Foster's DeviantArt page. (He is the moderator of the Yahoo Confining Clothes group.)
July 20th, 2018
Added the seventh and last gallery, in which Ariel crawls though an obstacle course without the use of her arms or legs (61 pics).
July 16th, 2018
Added the sixth gallery, in which Ariel spends the night in self-bondage (79 pics).
July 15th, 2018
Added the fifth gallery, with a scenario in which Ariel gets hypnotized (124 pics).
July 13th, 2018
Added the fourth gallery, with Ariel wetting herself (46 pics).
July 12th, 2018
Added the third gallery, with Ariel attached to the ceiling by her overalls straps (50 pics).
July 11th, 2018
Added the second gallery, with Ariel wearing 6 suits on top of each other (67 pics).
July 10th, 2018
Let me first explain why most video's are not available anymore. This is because, about a year after publishing them, YouTube suddenly decided that my material was totally unacceptable, and not just block my video, or even delete just my YouTube account, but even my whole Google account. Even though I checked their policies, and this video didn't violate any listed, and I also marked it as adult. No nudity, no sex, no explicit anything but some moaning from Ariel, but otherwise no difference at all from an escapology video. If you don't agree with Google's policy, you could use a different search engine (e.g. duckduckgo.com), social network, etc.
Of course Google mentioned I could object to their decision, but that seems like a waste of time to me, so I just gave up for the moment. (I inquired before when they blocked another video, but of course never heard anything back.) Perhaps in a while I will try to find another video platform that might not be so conservative and random, and also looks safe to me (no malware / unasked mining / ..).
But in the mean while Ariel has visited me again (July 3rd 2018), so now I am processing the images (no videos this time). The first gallery, with 104 images of 6 overalls and jumpsuits, is available now in the 2018 gallery.
May 7th, 2018
Adjusted the link to the overalls suspension from Overaller: the site has 14 video's so now the link is to the search results for overalls.
Also added Overaller's tip for the Flickr page of Peter Pools hoodies.
April 2nd, 2018
Klaus has written a bit more background on his stories and explains that the stories don't reflect his opinion about raising and treating children. The link is on the Marson's story page.
Overaller has contributed two links about hanging in overalls that I added at the bottom of the Links page.
January 22nd, 2018
Added link to my YouTube channel on the Movies page. Once I've uploaded most of my movie-clips there, I'll redo the page, since it contains many dead links.
December 25th, 2017
A new chapter (13.1) in the story
"The evolution of the family Marson" by Klaus (in German) of 20 pages. He has also added a PDF version of the first 12 chapters and the new 13.1, because the longer chapters are probably harder to read in HTML. Merry Christmas from him and me. Klaus puts in a lot of effort, so it would be nice to let us know if you enjoy the story.
November 21st, 2017
Since YouTube hasn't immediately taken the first video down, I've uploaded the second and last one, of Ariel struggling to free herself with the keys for over 5 minutes. (And she still hadn't gotten the chain harness off!) Since the videos are part of the spreader bar cross series, I've moved both videos there (from the main 2017 shoot page).
November 9th, 2017
Added the first of 2 video's of Ariel struggling with the spreader bar cross - let's hope YouTube doesn't judge it inappropriate. The video can be found on the Ariel 2017 page.
October 8th, 2017
Added the final gallery, where Ariel is locked in 2 crossed spreader bars. Video's of her struggling and trying to escape them are up next.
October 7th, 2017
Added the last 24 pictures to the Slutty scenario.
Later the same day: added the next 2 galleries: Cleo (24 pictures), and also the last one: after the shoot we visited the center of my city Leiden, where Ariel also wore overalls, and I took 4 more pictures of her.
October 5th, 2017
Added the next 32 pictures to the Slutty scenario.
October 3rd, 2017
Added the next 22 pictures to the Slutty scenario. These contain nudity.
October 1st, 2017
Added the third and last part of the third scene to the Slutty scenario (17 more pictures).
September 30th, 2017
Added the second part of the third scene to the Slutty scenario (22 more pictures).
September 24th, 2017
Added the first part of the third scene to the Slutty scenario (17 more pictures).
September 23rd, 2017
Added the next scene to the Slutty scenario (20 more pictures).
September 16th, 2017
It's been a busy few weeks, so I don't have much time to create further galleries. But this morning I made a small start with the next one. It is the biggest scenario of this shoot, called Punished for Slutty Behavior, and consists of about 170 pictures. For now I did the first scene, with 16 pictures, and will be gradually adding to the gallery in the coming time.
September 2nd, 2017
The fourth gallery of the Ariel 2017 shoot is ready, so take a look at 'Sword and Fan' (18 images), a short shoot we did just before lunch, without bondage.
August 30th, 2017
The third gallery of the Ariel 2017 shoot is ready, so take a look at part 2 of the scenario Dressed for Work (98 images).
August 26th, 2017
The second gallery of the Ariel 2017 shoot is ready, so take a look at Puppet on a String (58 images).
August 25th, 2017
Sooner than expected I got the first gallery ready, so take a look at My Model Shoots - Ariel 2017 - Fitting (16 images).
August 24th, 2017
Two days ago I did the 4th shoot with Ariel; made 441 photo's and 2 video's in total. It will take a few days to get the first new galleries up, but in the mean time I ran into some new commercial bondage shoots (BondageSM.org) with overalls, so I added links to the bottom of the links page.
August 17th, 2017
Added chapter 12.9 to the story "The evolution of the Family Marson's" (in German). This completes chapter 12. Work is on its way with chapter 13, but there are no finished parts yet, and then they have to be reviewed. The writer expects no new chapters before Christmas.
But of course new galleries with Ariel will be appearing here within a few weeks, which should be reason enough to keep visiting ;-)
August 3rd, 2017
Added chapters 12.7 and 12.8 to the story "The evolution of the Family Marson's" (in German). One more to complete chapter 12.
Announcement: on the 22nd I'm doing another shoot with Ariel, so keep your eyes on this site in the weeks after that!
July 19th, 2017
Only updated the metadata on the main page for better presentation of my page in search engine results. (Probably takes a few weeks to take effect.)
July 1st, 2017
Added chapters 12.5 and 12.6 to the story "The evolution of the Family Marson's" (in German). The next 2 chapters will probably follow soon.
April 12th, 2017
Added chapter 12.4 to the story "The evolution of the Family Marson's" (in German). Chapter 12.5 is pretty lengthy, so that will take a bit longer to review.
By the way, my private life has been rather busy lately, so updates have taken longer, and probably will for the coming months.
Feb 1st, 2017
Added a reference to my PurplePort profile in the 'Model Call' sections on the main and Model Shoots pages.
Jan 28th, 2017
Bugfix: when the site is visited with the https:// secure protocol, as Google currently links to it in the search results, the galleries wouldn't load because I loaded one library not securely (jquery). So I edited all pages with the new galleries, and now all should work over https:// as well. (Since no new material was added, I haven't updated the update date on the main page.) Thanks to the visitor who drew my attention to this.
Dec 27th, 2016
Checked and updated the Links page; actually only a few links were dead, although more listed sites have not updated in years.
Dec 26th, 2016
Added links in the Securing... pages to the model shoots where I used those techniques.
Added a link on the My Own Designs page to the model shoot where I used the harness shortalls.
Added some photos to the Securing the Waist page.
Added 2 nice tips I received to the Securing - Extra Bondage page.
Later today: Updated the Related Fetishes page: checked all links, removed dead ones and added replacements. Sad to see many interesting sites have recently closed down (e.g. because hostings sites like geocities, lycos, tripod stopped).
Dec 25th, 2016
Converted all series in the 2016 to the new gallery format.
Now the redesign of my site is finished, although there are still a number of issues and additions I'll address in the coming time.
And of course Merry Christmas to all visitors.
Dec 24th, 2016
Converted all series in the 2015 to the new gallery format.
Dec 23rd, 2016
Having a week off from work, I've finally started converting the photo shoot galleries with Ariel to the new format. Today I did all the 2014 series. I also replaced the thumbnails since the previous ones with the gray borders don't look nice in the new interface, and here and there I re-added a photo that I left out of the original gallery because of lower quality. But I now think they are still acceptable. Also corrected some spelling errors.
Dec 22nd, 2016
Only a stability update:
Unluckily I couldn't get the solution I applied on the 14th to be quite stable - e.g. the menu didn't work when visiting the contributor Jeansbound, and not always when you visit one of the contributor pages via a direct link. So I decided to start using absolute paths instead, which meant I couldn't run the pages from my local drive, but I was able to work around that by hosting the pages in IIS.
Later today: added chapters 12.2 and 12.3 of Klaus' story of the Marsons.
Dec 14th, 2016
Found a solution so now I can also add the menu to pages that are in subdirectories. With that I reconfigured the contributor pages to not open in separate popups, although the content still does.
Please let me know if things don't work as expected.
For the moment I'm changing the looks, but not the content, of so many pages, that I'm not marking anything as updated (or new) - check this history to see what has changed lately.
Dec 11th, 2016
Redid the Contributor pages with the new gallery types, and made some CSS tweaks that resulted in small changes in a lot of pages. Content pages, like contributor stories, should have margins now.
Dec 10th, 2016
Converted the Adult Baby gallery (under Pics from the Net) and added the 3 pics of the old Other locking clothes gallery to Net Gallery 17.
Tweaked the text of the Pics from the Net page a bit to convey that the conversion of that section is finished.
Got sent some pictures from gallery 16 in higher resolution, so replaced those. (the tumblr_.. ones)
Later today: Changed the image viewing in the Securing in Clothes section: instead of opening a new window, the large images are shown when hovering over the thumbnails (or tap on mobile devices).
Dec 8th, 2016
Added NET galleries 15 - 18. Repaired a mistake that prevented the use of separate thumbnail images, causing all large images to be loaded when that gallery first displays. This should help a lot on performance on slower Internet connections.
Dec 7th, 2016
Added NET galleries 6 - 10. Did some minor tweaking, and added that on specific very large images, clicking on it will open the image in a new window, in full size, since Galleria doesn't offer zooming. For now I added it only to 1 picture in gallery 8 (of 1728 pixels high).
To prevent the list of galleries becoming too long in the NET overview page, I reorganized them 5 in a row. I estimate about 8 more galleries to come.
Did a few tweaks to the links page, for the Amateur Bondage website and relevant videos.
Later today: added 4 more galleries, and resorted some pictures across the galleries.
Dec 5th, 2016
I decided to start the Net galleries over from scratch, just take all the relevant pictures I've collected so far, and split them into separate galleries of about 50 pictures each (for performance reasons, and because it's easier to remember how far you've gotten). With the new format I can do this semi-automatically, which makes it doable with over 900 pictures. I also generated the thumbnails again, because the previous ones had gray borders, which didn't look nice in the new design.
When I originally made the Net Galleries, I left out most pictures with jumpsuits, skirtalls, etc., but now I've not filtered those out anymore, since I expect a portion of the visitors to appreciate those, too.
Dec 4th, 2016
Added several descriptions to Net Gallery 1 (press on the i in the left top). If you know something relevant about the pictures, like their origin, you can let me know.
Dec 3rd, 2016
Converted the first Net Overalls Gallery to the new format. (The old is also still available via the Pics from the Net page.) I found out that the old gallery didn't contain several of the pics in the folder, so those are added to the new gallery. Note that the gallery is clearly slower than the previous one; on my mobile it took between 5 and 10 seconds before the picture was shown. But of course the advantage for mobiles is that you can swipe through the pictures, the design adapts to different screen sizes better, and it offers two levels of zoom: clicking on the image shows what they call a 'lightbox': an iframe with the enlarged picture, and with the button at the right top you can go to fullscreen mode. (On mobiles tapping on the image seems to go to fullscreen mode automatically.)
Please let me know how you like these new designs; this is the moment you can influence it, before I copy the design to all galleries.
Nov 30th, 2016
Added a prototype for new gallery user interface. Since building one from scratch was too complicated/time consuming, I'm trying out galleria.io. Go to the My Model Shoots and click on the link to check it out.
Nov 30th, 2016
A new design for the menus, popup windows for the galleries, and several graphical tweaks, fixes etc.
In detail (if you are not technical, just skip over anything that doesn't ring a bell ;-)
A while ago I had to opportunity to explore HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript a bit more, and decided to design a new menu structure for this website. Since it was an exercise, I started from scratch, so without any ready-made libraries and such. And since my provider doesn't supply server side applications or databases, it had to be fully client-side.
There were a few reasons for wanting a new design: the old one was pretty old-fashioned by now, having served its purpose for over 13 years, and it used frames, which are considered obsolete. One of the downsides is that you can't bookmark the sub-page you are on - you will always end up on the main page again. And when you reach a sub-page from e.g. a search engine, there is no easy way to get the menu.
The big challenge was that the site by now contains over 1800 pages, with over 3500 pictures (almost half of the pictures are thumbnails, and most of the html pages were generated with Irfanview for the galleries, but still...). So adding a menu to each of them by hand was not an option. I solved that by loading the menu into each page with Javascript, and expanding and highlighting the right page link. For the generated gallery pages and the contributed materials I chose to put those into popup windows, in which they function like before. In the coming time I will consider how to improve on that, but I first wanted to get the new design up and running. (For now you'll have to live with the fact that the pages with the menu replace each other, some pages and external links open in new tabs, and other pages and images open in a new popup window.)
This still meant a number of changes for all pages in the menu (50 or so), so while I was there I also did a spell check, removed dead links, etc. I still need to revamp the Movies page, and check and update the links on the Related Fetishes and Links pages.
All in all it was quite a bit of work, and even though I tried to check everything, there will be things that don't work as expected. Please let me know anything you encounter that seems wrong, and of course it would be nice to hear what you think of the new design.
Nov 21st, 2016
Added chapters 12 and 12.1 from Klaus' story. Klaus also updated the startpage of the Manson story, since chapter 12 had already gotten more subchapters than originally planned.
Oct 30th, 2016
Added chapters 11.3 - 11.5 from Klaus' story, completing the class trip. Also updates of chapters 11.1 and 11.2, although I don't know if Klaus has altered anything since the previous update.
Currently of the original document, 140 pages are published now, of the 175 currently written. And that is only up to chapter 12.6, so a lot more to come - would probably become at least a trilogy if published as books.
Oct 15th, 2016
Added a link to www.crossdressing-mode.de in the Related - crossdressing section.
By the way, did you know the word for overalls is quite different in the languages that I know: Dutch - tuinbroek (= garden pants), German - Latzhose (= bib pants), UK English - Dungarees, French - Salopette, Spanish - Peto / Jardinera (= gardener). There are not many words I know are different in each of those languages. I might do a page with translations in the future, although Google translate can help you out most of the time.
Oct 14th, 2016
Added chapter 11.2 from Klaus' story, and updated 11.1, in which descriptions were added on the overalls of the schoolgirls.
Oct 8th, 2016
Replaced link to video that youtube banned with a copy on my own site (HTML5 required).
Later the same day: added the last scenario: Dressed for Work. Since we were running out of time of the shoot, we didn't finish all I planned for this scenario, so perhaps a next time there will be a sequel.
Now all the material of the September 2016 shoot is available here, so I'll get back to Klaus' story again. (He has been busy too, but there is one more paragraph I have reviewed, and a few additions to the last one posted here.)
Oct 7th, 2016
Finished the Bound to Stay scenario.
Oct 3rd, 2016
Added the third part of the second scenario: Bound to Stay. Still more to come...
Oct 2nd, 2016
Added the second part of the second scenario: Bound to Stay. 2 more parts to come...
Oct 1st, 2016
Added the first part of the second scenario: Bound to Stay.
Sep 28th, 2016
Added a small series of Ariel in Brown Corduroy Overalls.
Later the same day: added the One Leg Onesie series (just 5 photo's we did after the video).
Sep 25th, 2016
Finished the Retarded scenario with the night arrangement. It alone is 75 images.
Sep 24th, 2016
Added the second part of scenario: Retarded. It's about halfway now.
Later the same day: added the third part of Retarded: Ariel punished with mittens.
Sep 21st, 2016
Added the first parts of the largest scenario of this shoot: Retarded.
Sep 18th, 2016
The third series are available now.
Later the same day: Added the fourth series: the last of the special purpose overalls.
Sep 17th, 2016
The first photo series of the 2016 shoot is online in the My Model Shoots - Ariel 2016 section.
Later the same day: Added the second series.
Sep 14th, 2016
Two days ago I did another full-day shoot with Ariel, so there are lots of pictures to process and galleries to create. That will happen over the coming weeks, but the My Model Shoots pages and menu have already been changed to have a placeholder for the new gallery, and I have put the 2 videos I made with her (about onesies) on
my new YouTube channel, I embedded these two video's, and the video of 2015, into the gallery pages.
I also introduced icons in the menu for New (

) and Updated (

) content.
At the
poll about the previous shoots I've responded to the results and requests in
the forum.
Aug 3rd, 2016
Added chapters 10, 11 and 11a to the Klaus' story. Now he has processed all chapters I have reviewed up to now, so the next updates might take a bit longer, since I first have to review them and then he has to process my comments again.
But on the other hand, Ariel will be here again September 12th for another full day of shooting, so new galleries should be appearing here shortly after.
Jul 30th, 2016
Added chapters 8.4, 8.5, and 9 to the Klaus' story. (The writer has been busy lately, so it took a while to process my review comments.)
May 28th, 2016
Added chapters 8, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 to the Klaus' story.
April 28th, 2016
Added chapter 7 to the Klaus' story (in German).
April 24th, 2016
Added 2 more links on the links page to a photo series on a commmercial site (ConsensualBondage).
April 18th, 2016
Added 2 more links on the links page to a photo series on a commmercial site (GirlsInSteel).
Updated chapter 6 of Klaus' story with my review corrections.
March 28th, 2016
Updated the first five chapters of Klaus' story (I attempted reviewing them and Klaus processed my suggestions.) Added chapter 6 (still to be reviewed).
March 13th, 2016
Now chapters 2 to 5 of Klaus' story are available (in German).
March 6th, 2016
After my move to a new and larger apartment, I'm starting to pick up this hobby again. Klaus, a German overalls enthousiast who contributed his story Camping last May, has sent me the first chapters of another story, also only in German. In the coming period more chapters will be added.
November 4th, 2015
I used Google translate to add chapters 17 - 20 of Hanna's story. It's mostly understandable I think, so you can see for yourself if you think it is worth my effort to keep on translating.
October 10th, 2015
Added some new solutions for securing zippers (commercial), front- and side release buckles, and snaps, in the
Securing in clothing section.
September 30th, 2015
Managed to squeeze out on more chapter (16) in the translation of Hanna. Gradually the story becomes more consensual, and with hardly any new bondage and few new interesting clothes, so I am not sure how much longer I will continue translating.
September 21st, 2015
Yesterday I got into the mood again for translating, so this evening I did another chapter of Hanna.
September 20th, 2015
Added chapter 14 of my translation of the story
Hanna. I also added a link to a similar story in German on the Anonymous contributions page.
My life will probably be quite busy in the next months, so updates might be fewer.
September 13th, 2015
Added pictures and a description of my new version of the harness shortalls, made out of faux leather: see the
Own Designs page.
September 12th, 2015
Added 3 more chapters to my translation of the story Hanna.
September 10th, 2015
In the Contributions - Anonymous section I added the start of a translation from a story in German, called
Hanna. And while I was there I also added a link to another story about a boy in restrictive jumpsuits that I translated a while ago.
July 30th, 2015
On a forum I read some posts about some punishment shortalls that the poster was forced to wear in his teens, and I decided to try and make my own version. On the
Own Designs page you can find the details.
May 15th, 2015
Added a story in German from a new contributor, Klaus.
Currently I have no more material ready for this site, so a next update might take a while, unless there are more contributions ;-)
May 9th, 2015
Added a poll to get feedback on the model shoot galleries, and to get some ideas for later shoots. You can take
my poll at MisterPoll. Look at the bottom of the My Model Shoots page for more details.
May 8th, 2015
And finally gallery 9 is available (37 pictures), where Ariel gets strictly restrained in a chair and a mysterious ransom note appears...
Now all pictures of the photo shoot are on the site.
May 4th, 2015
Gallery 8 contains 31 photos of dog play in a leather bondage jumpsuit and mask.
May 3rd, 2015
Added Gallery 7, with 15 photos of Ariel in a latex catsuit, corset and in stocks.
April 27th, 2015
Gallery 6 is now online - this time a small one with only 10 pictures, demonstrating the use of 2 bracelets to make a pair of cuffs.
April 26th, 2015
I added Gallery 5: Committed, with 54 photos. Again a scenario with a story line and several scenes.
April 22nd, 2015
Gallery 4, Enslaved, with 78 pictures, is available. It has a bit more story line, and consists of 6 related series.
April 17th, 2015
It took a few days, but now the third gallery is online, with 79 pictures, called Self-bondage. This is the first series that I would call a scenario, where there is a bit of a story line in the pictures. Three more scenarios are coming.
April 12nd, 2015
Added a link on the Back Zip Overalls page to a short video in which Ariel talks about overalls and bondage. Added 2 links to pictures of others (Denimlover15, Marilpet) to the links page, section Groups/Communities.
April 11th, 2015
Added the second series of Ariel, this time in close-fitting back zipping overalls.
April 7th, 2015
Two days ago I did another wonderful shoot with fetish/bondage model Ariel Anderssen. I have already added the first gallery to the
Model shoots page.
January 14th, 2015
Jeansbound sent me 5 more pictures of his latest attempts to create an inescapable pair of overalls.
January 1st, 2015
Happy new year all. I received a few more interesting links that I added to the Contributors page.
September 21st, 2014
Restructured the site by adding sub menu's with introductionary pages, and rewrote the main page a bit. I use a tiny bit of Javascript now to change both the menu and the content area when clicking on certain links (those with ...), but it should also work without.
You might need to press reload to see the changes if you have visited before.
Added links sent to me by two contributors to the Contributors page, and added several links (on wetting, an adult baby company and on locking jewelry) and a new section on rain gear to Related Fetishes.
September 20th, 2014
Added the final gallery 17: Ariel stuck to her chair by gray skirtalls (12 photos).
September 19th, 2014
Added gallery 15: Ariel stuck in black PVC overalls (15 photos).
Added gallery 16: Ariel in black leather-look overalls with buckles at the back (12 photos).
September 14th, 2014
Added gallery 14: Ariel stuck in blue corduroy overalls with mittens and gag (28 photos).
September 13th, 2014
Added gallery 13: Elegant in a polka-dot back-buttoning jumpsuit (12 photos).
September 12th, 2014
Added gallery 11: Ready for the night in a locked green onesie (20 photos).
Also added gallery 12: Ariel taking a break in a black onesie with locking hood, because it contains only 3 photos.
September 7th, 2014
Added gallery 10: Locking herself in black pleather skortalls (22 photos).
September 6th, 2014
Added gallery 9: Stuck in a Red PVC hobble maids dress (37 photos).
September 5th, 2014
Added gallery 8: Chastity belt under white overalls with a high back, and handcuffs. With 65 photo's, this is the largest gallery.
August 31st, 2014
Added gallery 7: a babyish pink onesie with a locking zipper (16 photos).
August 30th, 2014
Added gallery 6: blue denim skortalls with locking buckles (23 photos).
August 29th, 2014
Added gallery number 5, with 61 pictures of white denim skortalls. Also changed the layout of these galleries a bit, so that the thumbnails use the available width. On smaller screens you won't need to scroll to the right anymore.
August 24th, 2014
Added gallery number 4; a smaller one with white leather overalls. I also added one more picture to the Bright Blue Denim gallery, which was taken later (with my compact camera), when we went outside to buy lunch.
August 24th, 2014
Added gallery number 3. With 56 photo's it is one of the largest.
August 23rd, 2014
Added gallery number 2. Actually not in order of the list, but I already happened to have done the post processing on them.
August 23rd, 2014
Added the complete list of Ariel's galleries to come, and some minor additions. With the complete list visitors can see there is more to come, so it will be useful to check again later. With 17 galleries in all, I'm impressed in hindsight with what we managed to do in one day.
August 22nd, 2014
I've already added the first gallery to Ariels shoot.
August 22nd, 2014
The photoshoot with Ariel Anderssen has really happened, and I (we, I hope) had a great day. I've added a
Model shoots page, including a narrative on how this came to be, and will be gradually adding galleries to it over the coming weeks. So check back regularly!
July 13th, 2014
Added a privacy statement to the bottom of the main page.
Also added an announcement that I'm going to be shooting with an international bondage model in August - VERY EXCITED about that!
February 23rd, 2014
I updated my list of all the clothes I've collected for this fetish. On the About Me page I had listed 66, but by now it has grown to 85, so I updated the numbers. Perhaps I'll also make a new collage with all the pictures of the new ones too. (Let me know if you're interested.)
January 26th, 2014
Realizing I collected enough pictures for another gallery, I created Overalls Gallery 5. I tried to prevent duplicates as much as I could, but no guarantees. Only with the Sara Nychols series I deliberately kept the series intact even though some are already in gallery 2.
All of the pictures were found on the Internet; if you have copyright to any of these pictures, I will remove them if you ask.
On the other hand, I'd prefer if you'd contribute more pictures ;-)
January 12th, 2014
Having been busy with the polls, I wanted to share a bit more of my own constructions and designs, and added a page called My own design.
I recently bought leather look overalls from ASOS with buckles in the back. These I added to the 'Securing the straps against sliding' page, and I had another picture I edited to show a crossbar with the back straps, so I added that too.
Also reordered the menu on the left, since the contributions list has grown long.
January 4th, 2014
Being so active with the polls etc., I did a bit of restyling: a slightly warmer background color and a logo on the main page: the letters B i B in photo's of my padlocks. BiB stands for Bondage in BiBs, which is sort of a recursive acronym.
I also listed my newest polls in the links section.
January 1st, 2014
Happy new year to all of you. I made a good start in the new year by doing an update; why don't you send me an email with your adventures, pictures etc. too.
This update is adding links to some more polls on MisterPoll, and while I was busy checked all other links, removed dead ones and added several I've collected recently.
December 26th, 2013
Can't believe it's been 20 months since my last update!
Recently I've become active at MisterPoll.com and started several polls on overalls. In the Links section you can find how to reach them.
April 21st, 2013
Removed link to and image of www.sub-shop.com, because that shop is no more, and it's owner Autumn asked me to remove the image of her in a locking straightjacket. Replaced it with two other images; one of another locking straightjacket, and one of a butterfly romper.
Also removed obsolete links from the Related page.
February 17th, 2013
A new image contributed by G and A, for which I created a new contributor page.
June 22nd, 2012
After 3 years Lord Grey added a new part to the Sabine Furst story, so on his Contributions page you can find both the original German and my translation of the whole story until now.
October 4th, 2011
Added the English translation of the UNDRESSER image by Lord Grey, translated by JRK, to the Other Locking Clothing gallery.
September 23rd, 2011
An artist at DeviantArt.com, ShowSomeRestraint, allowed me to put his drawings on straight-overalls on a new contributor page.
June 5th, 2011
After translating the awesome story of Lord Grey from German, there were some other stories written by Ovvan that I also wanted to make available in English. I finally got around to it, translated and the first one in April, and am far along now with a trilogy. Since I'll not have time for a while, I decided to publish what I have until now, and let the second part of the third story wait until I can spend time on it again.
February 25th, 2011
Added one more overalls video on the www.my-bondage-girl.com site (Latzhosengirl (1)), and a link to a YouTube video of the interesting part of Alarm Fuer Cobra - Kindersorgen. Thanks to Ida for contributing this information.
Junuary 31st, 2011
The update luckily has generated some response, and I received one more picture from the same contributor that already supplied me with two original pictures on the Anonymous contributions page. She also mentioned one more video on Anja's MyBondageGirl site that has overalls in it. (It's on the Links page.) It's always nice to hear that people enjoy my efforts, and a great bonus if they also contribute.
Junuary 29th, 2011
Added a new gallery: Net 4. Also added a few more links and the movie 'The Pet'.
Junuary 21st, 2011
Updated and added several links on the links and the Extra Bondage Possibilities with Overalls page. (Thanks to John for supplying me with the updated o.g.-style link.)
November 14th, 2010
Someone sent me two pictures of a woman in overalls, hogtied with cuffs. I've added them to the anomymous contribution page for now. Hopefully when I have a bit more time, I can add a new gallery soon with material I collected over the past period, and add some links to interesting sites.
January 2nd, 2010
Jeansbound sent me some more pictures detailing how to lock someone in a jeans jumpsuit. I've added them to his contributions page.
I mailed Sara and Lord Grey a while ago to check if there was any progress on their stories. From Sara I heard nothing, and Lord Grey answered that he hadn't written more material, but was waiting for new inspiration. Perhaps getting some positive reactions from readers would help them get going again. (Send it to me and I'll pass it on.)
Jul 6th, 2009
Added a short new part of Sara's story Annika.
Jun 20th, 2009
Managed to find some time to do the translation of the newest chapter in the Sabine Furst story. So it's up to date now with the German version.
May 21st, 2009
Lord Grey sent me the Sabine Furst story including a new chapter. You can find the German
version at his contributions page, but I'm so busy at the moment that the English translation
might take a while.
April 16th, 2009
New part added to Sara's contributed story 'Annika'.
February 10th, 2009
New part added to Sara's contributed story 'Annika'.
February 1st, 2009
After the Sabine Furst story inspired Sara to write the Annika story, that in turn inspired Shelby to
write a new story too. His first chapter is added to the contributions section.
January 16th, 2009
After a reaction from a visitor to my site, Sara sent me a new installment of her story Annika. It's
some 2 pages.
December, 28th, 2008
Apparently there are (at least) 2 people using the alias Jeansbound, and the contributor here alerted me
that I moved several pictures from gallery 3 to his section that weren't his pictures. So I moved them back
and renamed my contributor to Jeansbound-DE to prevent confusion.
He also sent me 3 pictures of his slave locked up in a jumpsuit, so I've added those to his page,
together with his answers to my questions about it.
Also added a link to another Overalls site.
November, 30th, 2008
Jeansbound sent me 16 more pictures, and I decided to move his pictures that were already in gallery 3
to his new page too, making it a nice new gallery of 42 pictures. (Removed a few duplicates.)
November, 23rd, 2008
Three more user contributions:
* Lord Grey has written another chapter in his Sabine Furst story. The newly translated chapter is
on his page, together with the complete German version (well, as far as it is written, anyhow.)
* Sara has started writing on a story, and I've decided to put up what she has written until now.
* And a new contributor: Jeansbound, has sent me some of his pictures. Actually not precisely new,
since a number of his pictures can already be found in gallery 3, but now he has his own guest page here.
And updated Jeansbound's page a second time the same day because he sent me a few more pictures.
October, 17th, 2008
Added a new user's contribution: Sara's, who describes her experiences with PVC clothing and harnesses.
Also checked/updated/removed the links on the Related Fetishes and Links pages and added one.
Jan 30th, 2008
It's been a while, but now I've added some material again.
Most people will be very happy I've added a third gallery.
Apart from that the movies section is extended with a lot of (eMule) links
to new video fragments of overalls in movies and series.
I've also added a link to a shop selling straight-overalls (!!) and a video about them,
on the 'Overalls Links' page. And removed several dead links, or marked them 'NOT FOUND',
still hoping they will magically re-appear.
Aug 4th, 2007
Translated a new chapter in the story Sabine Furst by Lord Grey (see his user contribution).
May 25th, 2007
I've added a small section to the 'about me' page, describing how overalls and bondage became my fetish.
On the same page I also added a link to a big picture with an overview of my overalls collection.
February 23rd, 2007
Today I catalogued my overalls collection, and took pics of them all. I had estimated that I must have over 30 pairs in my collection, but found that I have 66! For now I've just adjusted the numbers on the 'about me' page, but I might add a page where they are shown. Not sure yet: just seeing them hanging against the wall isn't that inspiring. What do you think?
February 18th, 2007
Finished translating what I have of the story Sabine Furst. (17000 words now)
February 16th, 2007
Added my translation of the story Sabine Furst by Lord Grey to the user contributions.
January 1st, 2007
Did some more work on the movies page.
November 13th, 2006
Wow, has it been already 2 months since my last update?
Anyhow, I've added a page listing movies and series where you can find women in overalls getting tied up.
September 12th, 2006
Finished the Related Fetishes page. Added some more pictures to the Adult Babies Gallery. Added a link to an Italian Yahoo group about overalls and BDSM.
September 9th, 2006
Restructured the menu, and added links to galleries that were not or badly accessible before.
Work has started on the Related Fetishes page, adding texts with a few pics and extending links.
September 3rd, 2006
Added a second gallery in 'pics from the net' (118 new pictures!). Added a several links.
July 9th, 2006
I got into contact with Frank, who also has an overalls (and spanking) site, and he contributed two wonderful sets of homemade foto's of bondage in overalls: see the Contributions.
Also added a few links to german sites.
Januari 20th, 2005
Been quiet for quite a while, also due to the lack of reactions to my site.
Now I've started to communicate with a guy called Eloverol, who gave me some contributions,
and has promised more.
And while I was busy, I also checked the links section, marked out-of-order links,
and added a few.
So you see; more reactions bring more additions to this site!
December 26th, 2003
Renamed site from 'Bondage in Overalls' to 'Bondage in Bibs' (BiB), added some links.
December 11th, 2003
Big redesign, added frames, split up the info over sub pages, added some more text,
and some miscellaneous sub pages like this one. Also made some first attempts at
making the pages more visually pleasing by adding different colors.
By adding a frame, I immediately encountered the bug (?) in Internet Explorer 6,
which adds a horizontal scrollbar to the right window when it contains text
that needs to be wrapped, and contains a vertical scrollbar.
I haven't seen this in any other browser (including e.g. IExplore 5.5), and can't find
any reason why it should do this or how to prevent it, so I assume it's a bug.
December 8th, 2003
Decided to go public with a first version; all information still collected in 1 big page.
October, 2003
Started collecting info and making pictures for this site.